
My Spirituality has always been shades of green, loving Nature and the Natural World since being a young child. I was fortunate by being brought up in the beautiful and diverse countryside of Lancashire. My evenings,weekends and school holidays found me and my dogs out exploring and looking for magical creatures deep in the woods or the river bank or walking for miles over the sprawling moors, hiding in caves , climbing trees, making dens out of branches, swimming in wild waters, making fires within circles of stones and collecting various flowers, berries and mushrooms along the way. Looking back now, i was quite a wild child and probably rather lucky to still be here!.
Now, as an adult i am still fortunate enough to live in Nature, this is where i belong. I honour and respect Her rythms and cycles and Her ebbs and flows, celebrating the seasonal transitions and honouring with Sacred Ceremony and Ancient Healing Rituals the transitions of our Human Life cycles.
I knew in my heart when i heard the Call of my soul to train with the Priestesses of Avalon that i finally was on the life path that was my true purpose, to do the Sacred work of re-connecting people with nature through the union of Ceremony, celebrations and transitions.